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Rachel Jolly

CEDO Assistant Director


As an eternal seeker of transformative experiences, I have found a wonderful home at the Community Justice Center. In prior lives, I’ve led extended hiking and canoe trips for teenagers in Maine, taught the natural history of our New England region to youth and adults, developed a program for women transitioning out of incarceration and off of state assistance into the workforce, waited tables in a pub in Ireland, conducted energy audits in homes throughout Vermont, and coordinated training programs for women interested in jobs in law enforcement, carpentry, electrical work and plumbing. I also enjoy making home-made yogurt, keeping the ancient art of letter writing alive, and taking solo canoe camping trips in the Adirondacks. I’ve lived in Burlington longer than anywhere else in my life and love that we have 400 acres of farmland within our City limits and that I can bike and walk anywhere in town in about thirty minutes or less.


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